Project: SoConnect

SoConnect is a desktop app for managing contacts and tasks. It aims to help NUS SoC students stay better connected to their school life, in terms of social connections and school tasks. SoConnect is also optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 42 kLoC.


New Feature: Advanced Search Functionality

What it does: Allows user to have a mini Google inside SoConnect. The search command can generate relevant search results, even in the event of mistyping or only partial information is available.

Justification: This feature improves the user productivity significantly because a user will not need to provide full information upon searching and the app could still return accurate and relevant result based on the query.

Highlight: This enhancement replaces the previous find feature. The search feature itself requires careful design on how the algorithm works, especially on the relevancy reduction level.

Credit: This feature is adapted from the find feature, which only allows full word match results to be returned.

Code Contribution

Up until 7 November 2022, I have contributed ~2.2 kLoC (roughly 4,945 additions and 2,977 deletions), changed 36 files and pushed 182 commits. For most recent update, refer to this RepoSense link.

Project Management

Releases and Milestones:

  • v1.1: 1 issue and 1 PR.
  • v1.2: 8 issues and 4 PRs.
  • v1.3: 18 issues and 6 PRs.
  • v1.4: 28 issues and 5 PRs.

Enhancement to existing features:

  • Revamped the GUI theme and CSS structure (Pull requests #142, #128).


  • User Guide:
    • Added documentation for the search feature (Pull requests #152, #125, #75).
    • Updated links and overall project documentation (Pull requests #152, #125, #82, #12).
    • Revamped the structure, layout and formatting of the project documentation (Pull request #241).
  • Developer Guide:
    • Added implementation details, use cases and sequence diagram for the search feature (Pull requests #152, #75).
    • Updated the Manual Testing Instruction and Effort sections of the project documentation (Pull request #253).


  • 28 PRs reviewed (with ~90 review comments).
  • Contributed to 4 posts in forum discussions.
  • Reported 26 bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class.


  • Coming soon.